What they’re saying…

“Once started it was difficult to put down. A well written story which accurately depicts the culture and architecture of 1st Century Rome. Fans of Lindsay Davis and Steven Saylor will relish the details of every day life in Rome as they follow the adventures of this 21st century transplant. ~~Bea

“A Fascinating story. Its descriptions of time and place – modern and ancient – is excellent. As a Latin Scholar, I found it a wonderful Read.” ~~Doretta Penn

“Thanks for asking me to read IN A TIME BEFORE. Just finished. I am not into history especially ancient times, but this book did keep me interested to the end. After I got use to the concept of time travel, everything seemed possible. What a clever way to teach history to those of us who need to be entertained to learn about it. Enjoyed the dialogue and story. Did not like the main character until his experiences in Rome changed him. I think that was the idea.”~~Beverly C.

“The author has a way of transforming archaic facts, figures and photos into an interesting and readable tale. There is a nice moral to the story.” ~~BAB

“It is absolutely great. After the first couple chapters I could not put it down.” ~~Lynn